Friday, February 1, 2008

The Color Purple?

This has been a rather slow week here. I have needed a little down time and time to recover from Baxter the sleepless dog wonder. I am happy to say that we have worked out the kinks of the sleeping problem but now I still need to get the potty training under control. He's so close yet just not there yet.
So today I allowed my daughter to do what my mother never let me do. She dyed her hair purple. Before you think I'm mad, it's temporary and washes out after 8 washings. She's been asking about it for months and I kept saying no. Hubby thought I was being a little too strict about it and wanted me to let her try it so she could get it out of her system. So finally after lots of thought I relented. She wasn't allowed to bleach her hair first so has had to live with the color it turned out. With her dark brown hair, It's more of an eggplant color, not quite the true purple crayon look she wanted. But she is happy nonetheless. Luckily C thinks she's nuts so that means I don't have to worry about him wanting to do anything to his hair. I simply couldn't allow his red hair to be touched. Perhaps that's why my mom never let me. I'll be sure to post a pic of the new do tomorrow.

1 comment:

Cher Mere said...

I think that is cool! I first dyed my hair red when I was in 8th grade. I also had it bleach blond and black. I always wanted to go light blue...