Monday, October 15, 2007

In Our Town of Halloween...

Today we went costume hunting for S. C has decided to be Shawn White (which means he'll wear his clothes and tell everyone who he is.) J put together a Moaning Myrtle costume after we all got past our respective little issues. Today the fun really began.
First, it helps to know a bit how S works. He has some mild sensitivity issues with touch. I never know how bad they will be, it usually depends on a lot of factors. He is also slightly OCD. He has set things that must be a certain way in order for him to function. He is also the most physically active of my three children. I thought he would just grow out of these things, but it is becoming apparent that he may not for a while. He has also up until now refused to wear a costume. Last year he wore sweats and rain boots. Calling himself a "Construction Worker in the Rain."

S has been saying that he wanted to be Darth Vader for about a month. I of course had a few suspicions about this actually happening. So here is how it went down at the store today:

Me: Are you sure you want to be Darth Vader? You would have to wear a mask.
S: Ummm, maybe I can be Darth Vader with out the mask?
Me: I would still have to buy the mask, I could paint your face like the mask.
S: Ummm, maybe I don't want to be Darth Vader anymore.
We walk up and down the same aisle for 40 minutes. He picks up every toy weapon in the aisle and proceeds to hit something with each of them.
Me: How about a knight?
S: No I want to be Darth Vader.
Me: You could be Anakin, he's the same thing.
S: Ummm, ummmm, but I want to be Darth Vader.
Me: It's Darth Vader before the mask.
S: Okay, can we get it?
I proceed to dig through all the costumes and finally find the right size at the back. I open it and realise he'll hate the fabric.
Me: Let's try it on before we leave the store.
S: Okay....It's itchy, get it off! Mommy, I want to be Darth Vader!
He does a few more laps in the aisle, luckily everyone else seems to have costumes and the aisle is people free.
Me: Okay, S how about Obi-Wan? Look no mask, no itchy material and you can still carry a light saber.
S: Huh? Who?
Me: You know Vader's enemy, here let's try it on.
S: (puts it on) The sleeves are too long.
Me: (notice that this is my only chance and the least expensive costume to boot) It's okay, I can cut the sleeves off so they fit. Is it itchy anywhere?
S: No Mommy. Can I get it? But I need the light saber to match.
Me: Sure.

At that point he could have anything he wanted, an hour in a deserted costume aisle was about it for me. Then at the check out he managed to freak out the cashier by doing his "Ninja Warrior" jumps on and off her counter. By that time I just didn't care who he was scaring. It's just part of life with S.