Friday, January 18, 2008

Boy Interrupted

The best laid plans lay to waste. This saying is especially true in our household. No matter how much I plan, something gets thrown in to monkey wrench my idealism. It can be very challenging for me sometimes because I like my days to have a plan. I also like things to work out to my expectations. I guess you could say I have a bit of tunnel vision when it comes to how I foresee the day progressing. And this would be why the powers that be chose to give me S.
S is unpredictable in everyway possible. He truly keeps me on the edge of my seat. After having him, I had to stop keeping to all my routines that I used to have with the other two children. This was a combination of his personality and the age difference between him and the older two. But now I find myself wondering if he would do much better if he had a set little schedule of his own. I am also wondering if this might benefit C & J as well.
I have been trying to get C & J to become more independent with their study time but I am finding that it is now interfering with our time as a family. For example, they both waited until after dinner last night to do the loose ends of their school work for the day. Of course, neither one finished and they will be working toady, which they were supposed to have off for C's birthday. SO I think next week I will try a more time approached schedule and do some rearranging of our homes school materials. Hopefully it will lead us in the right direction.
I am hoping that this will also give me more academic time with S. He seems to finally be ready for projects. He is also sitting still long enough to take in what I'm teaching him. I am very excited to move into this next phase with him.

On another note, we had to change C's birthday plans to Tuesday instead of today. Like his mama he doesn't take to change very well and was not very happy about it. We did compromise a bit for today. Plus everything is still the same it just got moved a few days. He understands why but he's not thrilled. But then again what kid would be. I'll just be working extra hard to make today a little extra special for him.

1 comment:

Cher Mere said...

Good luck with the scheduling. Let us know how that goes in the beginning with S.

For us having a schedule to go by most days works well (somedays we get interrupted or just go off and do our own thing) though I can imagine with 3 kids you are three times more likely to go off on different things.