Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Little Bit of Fun

Today was an interesting mix for us. The kids started out the day with their last Lego class. They have been taking a wonderful Lego engineering class. But we have chosen not to continue with it because honestly it is just too easy for the older two kids. They got more of a social time than learning time. It's not that the class wasn't great, but having a child that can build the Millennium Falcon blindfolded kinda changes things. Frodo probably could have taught the class. He is a natural engineer. He's been building things since he was very tiny. He is a master at Mindstorms and frequently enters challenges on their site.

So after Lego, we went over to library for a while. We read a few books on Mother Teresa and unsuccessfully looked for a few other things. After lunch everyone did some math. Monkey did handwriting, math, worked on memorizing a poem, painted a picture of the poem, colored a picture of Gandhi, and colored a map of India. Frodo researched and wrote a report on Gandhi and did alot more programming work. He's currently programing a music video, it should be interesting when he's done. Bug worked on researching and writing an article on Mother Teresa. In the evening we watched the first in a series of eight BBC movies on the Himalayas.

Later in the afternoon after much begging we had some friends over to play. It was alot of fun. They are very good friends of ours but see we see them so much for educational things the kids were on their knees asking to just "play" with no school work involved. How could I resist?


patrice said...

I'm imagining them all on their knees with big puppy dog eyes, begging for the playdate!!

Gwenivere said...

I think that sounds about right!