Sunday, February 24, 2008

Being sick and other musings

The dreadful cold has finally caught up to me. I've been fighting it off all month long but now it is here in full force. If only I had the time to go with it. Nope today I'm still going to see the House of Blues Gospel Brunch anyway. I can't take cold medication, they all make me sicker rather than better. I used to take children's medication but I don't even bother with that anymore. Something about being a red head screws with how different medicines affect me. (Believe it or not this is actually a clinically proven thing!)
Here are a few things from this week:

~Bug got braces. Boy has she milked the pain. After three days she is finally eating "solid" food again.

~We had a huge discussion with Monkey about how Daddy isn't a slacker but actually works all day on his computer.

~Frodo got together with a friend that he never will again. The use of language was totally inappropriate between the child and parent.

~Bug is already planning her birthday party that isn't until May!

~She plans on Not including the "mean" girl.

~I am frantically trying to spend all of my kids charter school money by the end of next week.

~Monkey had a playdate with his best friend D.

I think that covers about most of it. I am off to get ready for my brunch!

1 comment:

Cher Mere said...

Oh no!!! *sigh* I really really hope you get better soon. Like Tuesday soon...

-Braces - Mine hurt so bad that I couldn't bite into a sandwich for months. I have to eat them with a knife and fork.

-Are you sure Daddy is not a Slacker? *just joking*

- Can't wait to hear about that one

- Sad we are going to miss it this year. I can still send something via amazon.

- good plan. this is another thing I am looking forward to talking to you about.


- sweet that Monkey has a best friend

Have fun at the brunch. I've never been but I want to.