Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I am suffering from exhaustion. Our puppy has been up all night for the past week. Nothing is working to get him to quiet down. Everyone else has been able to sleep through his whining. He also has learned how to climb out of his pen that we put him in the daytime when were not watching. So now his kennel is his only choice. In addition I am feeling rather ill. I think I'm going to bury my nose in a book again today and let the kids handle things.


Cher Mere said...

I like your meez - looks very cute.

I didn't sleep much when we first got Charlotte. But I think dogs are diurnal and your dog should sleep at night. Charlotte gets sleepy around 8:00 and usually goes to bed with Z and then we get her up again around ten thirty to go potty.

She wakes up about 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning.

Have you checked out the Dog Whisperer? What do you think?

Gwenivere said...

I haven't I'll have to check it out. I think he wants to sleep with one of us but I'm trying to kennel train him and it seems to be backfiring.