Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holidays and Hunting

The holidays always seem to throw me into a whirlwind of activity. This year has been no exception. And of course as always I am behind on tons of things which need to get done. The majority of the blame has a good reason.

We aren't doing a whole lot of traditional school work. But the kids are learning about what it takes to buy a house. We have been house hunting these past three weeks. So far the process has been slow and of course an emotional roller coaster. I fear finding the right house make take us sometime. Which doesn't sit very well with such an impatient person as myself. But we all of our lessons to learn right?

We went to see the Nutcracker ballet and made gingerbread houses this week. I am so glad it finally feels like the holiday season! I can finally get started on all those cookies waiting to be baked and presents waiting to be wrapped. This coming week we'll be going ice skating and to see a living nativity. Now if I can just find my charger for the camera battery I can actually get those holiday cards out and about.
Perhaps I'll have a new picture next time....

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