Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Winding Road

I feel like I should have an intro since this is my very first posting. Honestly, I was totally inspired by a friend's wonderful blog, that I just couldn't resist trying it out myself. I have long been holding back on the idea of journaling, so I am excited to finally give it a try.
I am a homeschooling mom. It's funny how that simple sentence really sums up most of my life right now.
Our menagerie has 2 boys, 11 year old C and 4 year old S. There is also 10 year old daughter J.
Well, as S is in need of help cleaning his room I will have to fill in more details a bit later.


Cher Mere said...

Look at you!

I am so glad you have a blog. Now I can keep up with you after I move.

Gwenivere said...
